27: How to Manage Artistic Overwhelm with Becca Waugh 03.22.24

Becca Waugh

Today on Honestly, Dear Listener, we’re talking about overwhelm—all about facing the tidal wave of responsibilities, deadlines, and creative pursuits that can leave us feeling, well, overwhelmed. We’re talking to Becca Waugh, a multitalented artists who wears many hats, both literally in her hot dog-themed attire, and metaphorically in her diverse creative endeavors. However, managing such a variety of projects doesn't come without its challenges. Becca is with us to candidly discuss her journey, her relationship with procrastination, and how she sets her own rhythm when it comes to deadlines and personal projects.

We'll also dig into her strategies for tackling the big scary projects by breaking them down into small, achievable goals, and how those strategies have helped her to support herself entirely through her art. We’ll also explore the concept of “INCUP” as a motivation enhancer and the importance of balancing interest and passion with the hustle required in a creative career.